Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vote Katie Kortekaas Ward 1 Ajax

People in Ward 1 tell me they are looking for change. They’re also looking for someone to show leadership, compassion, empathy and accessibility – characteristics that go to trust.

One of the best features of campaigning for Town Councillor in Ward 1 is getting out and meeting my neighbours – the electors who’ll decide on October 25th which candidate they trust to represent them for the next four years.

There are some 17,000 eligible voters in Ward 1, and I’ll try my best to introduce myself personally to you over the next six weeks.

I have a vision and plan I believe can bring our communities together – taking some first small, realistic steps towards resolving those priority issues which everyone complains about, but no one has actually done anything about.

My family, my friends, colleagues and business clients know that I’m someone who works hard to achieve results. When I give you my word, it is my bond and I expect to be held to those promises I make. That is my way and that is who I am.

I believe in the strength of the family and the dignity of the individual – all individuals.

Like many of you, I am the child of immigrant parents who worked hard to make a better life for their children. Since graduating university I have lived and worked in other communities but Ajax, and Ward 1 in particular, has been my home for 26 years. And like you, my home requires both parents to work to meet our family’s needs and our other financial obligations.

I’ve also had the privilege of serving Ajax on six public committees or boards, and my professional background includes financial administration. Today, I’m a professional arborist and practice in an environmental consultancy.

My campaign theme is: “Protecting and Promoting the Family”

Taxes, crime, political accountability, education, the environment and other local issues are all linked to the quality of our lives. They have a direct impact on our families’ lives.

Like you, I’m looking for value – a return on the tax investment we continue to make in Ajax – and I plan to seek ways of lowering our taxes while improving the delivery of services to residents.

Improved childcare, better transportation services, safer streets are linked directly to Ajax’s partnerships with our Regional Council and the provincial government.

During the coming weeks, I’ll be introducing specific economic and social proposals – alone, and in partnership with the region and the province, to meet the issues we’re facing now in our Town.

In the meantime, I look forward to meeting with you with a plan to introduce ourselves to each other. We need to start solving our problems in the community, for the community.

Call me or email me if you’d like to talk.

More tomorrow.


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