Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Something new to offer

Convincing electors you have something new to offer them, or perhaps a new approach to politics at Ajax Town Council can be a daunting challenge.

Ward 1 voters’ are frustrated.  The issues?  They include taxation and value for money; the lack of availability of a good job closer to home, and;  the perception of the absence of accountability and transparency in the taxpayer-councillor relationship.

When you start stacking those other tax realities – the burden of the HST, for example, business and property taxes and personal income taxes on top of those indirect provincial taxes - and people start thinking, is this as good as it gets? What's left for my family?

So, what are some possible solutions?

Why are we so willing to accept repeated property tax increases? This year it is 2.75%. Our net incomes aren’t rising to meet those increases? Our families need more money to make ends meet.

What’s wrong with targeting a ZERO% tax increase over the next four years?

Why can’t we put a hold on some of our intended spending until we get the Town’s financial house in balance with our own?

People who know me know that I’m not shy about introducing common sense into problem-solving discussions. I believe that common sense, in an effort to retain more money in our wallets for our families, may just be that “new thing” people haven’t seen in Ajax for some time.

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